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I'm a : Business
Company : Planned Parenthood
Business Owner :
Address : 3231 SE 50th Ave, Portland, OR 97206
Map : Get Directions to Planned Parenthood
Phone : (503) 788-7273
Web Link : http://www.plannedparenthood.org/
Verified Date : 01-07-2009
Category : Medical and Fitness
Discussions : Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy Testing
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Company Information
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the nation's leading women's health care provider, educator, and advocate, serving women, men, teens, and families. For more than 90 years, we've done more than any other organization in the United States to improve women's health and safety, prevent unintended pregnancies, and advance the right and ability of individuals and families to make informed and responsible choices.
About me
Women’s health care provider, educator, and advocate, serving women, men, teens, and families
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